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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Oops! I almost forgot! I have posted some things on Teachers Pay Teachers that some of you may be interested in! There are several take-home guided reading booklets that could be used in February! There is one about shadows, one about mail, and one about presidents. There is also one about teeth! Check these out and more! Thanks for looking!

Kindergarten, First -

Happy Groundhog's Day!

Ok, so apparently I'm not a very good blogger! I admit I'm new at this, but I'm pretty sure I should be posting something a little more often than once a month! Hopefully, I'll do a little better this month! I am currently working on a couple of projects for February that I hope to share with everyone.

We've spent a few days this past week discussing Groundhog's Day, and we graphed our responses to the question, "Will the groundhog see his shadow?" The consensus was a resounding "Yes", but we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out if we predicted correctly.

Valentine's Day is coming up, which means that not only do I have a class Valentine party to plan for my class, but I've got to think about my son's class party as well! That means that I've got to get my son's Valentine cards for his class! It's his first year of preschool, and I wanted to do something cute and original. He wants Disney Cars cards. He'll probably get his wish if for no other reason than I am a huge procrastinator and will wait too late to get anything else done!

I'm currently working on getting a Flat Staney project started with my 1st graders! I used to do it when I taught kindergarten, and it was one of my most favorite things we did all year! I haven't done it in several years though since before SFA came along and took all the FUN away in K! :-) (I won't go into all that though because that is a whole new blog in itself!). Since this is my first year in 1st grade, I decided this would be a good time to do it again. I'm really excited about it, and I hope to get everything worked out soon!

Well, that's kind of an overview of the next couple of weeks! Hopefully, I'll post something else before March!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Goodbe, 2012!  Hello, 2013!  I'm always excited for the new year to begin, for it brings with it so many possibilities!  As with the beginning of the school year in August, I always begin January with so many ideas for my class, my home, and my life in general.  Do I manage to bring all of my ideas for fulfillment?  Of course not, but I do manage to do some of them.  One of the things I have been wanting to do for awhile now is to create my own blog, and here it is!  Yay!  So, that's one thing I've accomplished already!  Well, I suppose technically, I created it in 2012, but what's a couple of days, right?  :-) 

Another thing I'd like to do in 2013 is become more organized.  I saw something online the other day about 365 days to get organzied, so I think I may do something similar.  It's not going to be easy, let me tell you!  Being something of a pack rat (why does that sound so much better than hoardar?), I've got a lot of STUFF!  And, I'm sure I can find a possible use for just about everything!  The problem is that I just don't have a PLACE for everything.  Well, I suppose I should get started!  I've just got to figure out what I'm going to do today to begin my quest for organization!  Hmmm....maybe I should get off the computer and do something! 

Check out some of my items for sale!
Kindergarten, First -