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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Goodbe, 2012!  Hello, 2013!  I'm always excited for the new year to begin, for it brings with it so many possibilities!  As with the beginning of the school year in August, I always begin January with so many ideas for my class, my home, and my life in general.  Do I manage to bring all of my ideas for fulfillment?  Of course not, but I do manage to do some of them.  One of the things I have been wanting to do for awhile now is to create my own blog, and here it is!  Yay!  So, that's one thing I've accomplished already!  Well, I suppose technically, I created it in 2012, but what's a couple of days, right?  :-) 

Another thing I'd like to do in 2013 is become more organized.  I saw something online the other day about 365 days to get organzied, so I think I may do something similar.  It's not going to be easy, let me tell you!  Being something of a pack rat (why does that sound so much better than hoardar?), I've got a lot of STUFF!  And, I'm sure I can find a possible use for just about everything!  The problem is that I just don't have a PLACE for everything.  Well, I suppose I should get started!  I've just got to figure out what I'm going to do today to begin my quest for organization!  Hmmm....maybe I should get off the computer and do something! 

Check out some of my items for sale!
Kindergarten, First -

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